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How to login with Google

Want to login to ContractSafe even faster with your Google account? You got it!

1. Enable Google Sign in for your account first.

  • Login into your ContractSafe contract management software account using your email and ContractSafe password. 

  • Go to Settings and then look for Security and Integrations.

  • Enable the “Sign in with Google” toggle.

NOTE: If you do not see the "Sign in with Google" toggle on this page it means that this feature is not enabled for your ContractSafe account. Please see an Admin (Account Owner, Admin or Account Manager) user on your ContractSafe account to enable this feature (here's a guide on this). You also can't enable Google login if you have already enabled Single Sign-On for your ContractSafe account. (i.e., with Active Directory, OKTA, etc.)


2. Login with your Google account.

Once your ContractSafe account is linked with your Google account, you can login with Google on our login page by selecting Sign in with Google.

NOTE: If Two-Factor Authentication is enabled for your ContractSafe account, you will still need to authenticate by entering a code that is texted to you, or generated by the authenticator app anytime you are logging in from a new device or location.

Please reach out to support@contractsafe.com for any questions.