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  3. Contract Page - Data Entry - Reminders

How can I view my document as a full page?

Here's a quick way to view your document front and center!

From the Contract List, choose your document and click on the blue paper icon located to the left of the contract name. 


This will load the document in the Document Only view


When your contract comes up, you have even more options to layout your document and relevant information. You can access these by clicking on the "Views" button on the upper right on your contract viewer. For your information, here are the three options that are available.

1. Data next to the document
2. Data by itself
3. Just the document on a full page
4. Summary - Similar to #2, but presents the relevant information in a summarized page without the contract in view. 

Here's a short demo of the four views:

If you need further assistance, please reach out to support@contractsafe.com