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Setting Date Reminders

Need to keep up with important dates for contracts? There's an easy way to set date reminders and even set some of them to repeat!

You can easily set date reminders for any future date.  This includes Termination Date or any other custom dates created such as Payment Due, Audit Due, Certificate of Insurance Expires, etc. 

Add or edit a reminder

From the Contract Page, click on the grayed-out bell above the date you'd like to add a reminder. A green bell icon means that a reminder has already been set up, but you can still click it again to make an edit.


Once clicked, the Edit Date box opens and you can:

  • Set the number of days prior to the date to receive the reminder or set for a specific date
  • Have that reminder to repeat for a set number of days after the initial reminder notice
  • Insert the email address(es) of anyone you'd like to receive this reminder
  • Choose to include a copy of the contract with the reminder 
  • Choose to include a copy of the related documents (Attachments, Linked Documents, Amendments)
  • Add a custom message to be sent with that reminder

Then select the blue Update button to save your changes.


The grayed-out bell turns to green letting you know your reminder has been set.
Note the AutoRenew feature right under the Termination Date. You can learn more about it on this article. 

Delete a reminder

In order to delete a Date reminder, click on the green bell, uncheck the Reminder checkbox, and click Update.

For recurring dates (e.g., payment due, audit due, etc.) you can also set (See below) any date to repeat at set intervals and create a Reminder for them if you'd like.

Please reach out to 
support@contractsafe.com for any questions.