How to Assign a Folder, Prevent Specific Documents, and Update ContractSafe Fields Using Your DocuSign Integration

Want to select a ContractSafe folder or provide important data through DocuSign? This article explains how Custom DocuSign Fields work with your ContractSafe integration.

Selecting a Folder and Adding Data through DocuSign

After you've completed the setup for the standard one-way integration, you can use DocuSign to provide any of this information to ContractSafe: Folder, My Company, Counterparty, Effective Date, Termination Date, Value, and Notes.

  1. In your DocuSign Admin account, select Settings.
  2. Select Envelope Custom Fields.
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  3. Select ADD FIELD.
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  4. Copy one item from the list below based on the data you'd like to provide through DocuSign and type it into Field Name:
    • ContractSafeFolderName
    • ContractSafeMyCompany
    • ContractSafeCounterparty
    • ContractSafeEffectiveDate
    • ContractSafeTerminationDate
    • ContractSafeValue
    • ContractSafeNote
    • ContractSafeTitle
    • ContractSafeDoNotAdd
      • After creating this field, you can type anything into it to prevent the document(s) from uploading to ContractSafe.
  5. You can select Text or List for Field Type.
    1. The List type allows you to create a preset list of choices for users (great for assigning a folder).
    2. The Text type creates an open text field that users can use to type whatever information is needed at the time (great for Value, Notes, or Dates).
  6. Check the box next to Show field to envelope creators.
  7. Select ADD.
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  8. Repeat steps 3-7 to create as many of the seven available fields that you need.

Now, when you start a new contract on DocuSign, you can fill out the ContractSafe data fields listed below your signers.

Effective Date and Termination Date must be typed in the MM/DD/YYYY format for ContractSafe.

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Please reach out to for any questions.