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Which documents are not counted towards the subscription total?

Archived contracts and Attachments are not counted towards your contract limit.

Archived Contracts

You can move any Contract to your Archive, which is like cold storage. Typically, this is used for expired contracts. You always have the option to restore your aarchived contracts. It can be found on the Contracts page by using the Filters Dropdown > Archived

Note: Archived contracts will not be included in your general searches and reporting and they will not be included in bulk exports of your contracts and data. All date reminders will also be disabled for Archived contracts. 

See also: How can I archive expired contracts?


You can also save an unlimited number of attachments with each contract, and these attachments will not count toward the total number of contracts available in your subscription. Typical examples are statements of work, certificates or insurance, drafts, and tax documents. 

For example, in the screenshot below, Amendment #1 and a Rate sheet are saved as Attachments and are easily accessible to anyone viewing this Contract Page.
Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 7.21.07 AM

The following actions are also available for Attachments:
1. The Pencil Icon - Allows you to edit the name of the attachment.
2. The Cloud/Download icon - Download the adjacent attachment.
3. The Eye icon - Opens up a new tab with a preview of the document.
3. The Trash/Bin icon - Deletes the attachment. Note that attachment deletions are final and irreversible. 

Please reach out to support@contractsafe.com if you need further assistance.