You can now automatically categorize your contracts upon upload.
Note: To set up this feature, you must have an Admin User role.
Our new Categorization by Contract Type feature streamlines contract management, allowing you to organize contracts efficiently and automatically apply required forms based on the assigned type. Plus, if your organization has a subscription that includes AI capabilities, our AI can automatically extract contract-type details for you.
This feature should simplify organization, and make it much easier to collect required information for contracts.
Let's start!
First, let's turn this feature ON!
Navigate to the "Settings" page and select the "AI and Workflows" tab.
Toggle on the "Categorization" feature.
Once activated, contract types will be added automatically to the Contracts List and Contracts Page.
Manage Categories
1. There are 14 Default Contract Types that the AI will recognize.
You can hide types you don't use, and you can also change how the names are displayed.
- Business Associate Agreement
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Consulting Agreement
- Data Processing Agreement
- Distribution Agreement
- Employment Agreement
- Franchise Agreement
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- Lease Agreement
- Licensing Agreement
- Partnership Agreement
- Purchase Agreement
- Sales Agreement
- Service Agreement
If you want to require a form (or forms) for a type of contract (optional), use the "REQUIRED FORMS" dropdown next to each contract type to select the desired form(s).
Hide any unused options by deselecting the Active toggle on the left.
The "CUSTOM NAME" column can be used to change what your team sees for each category, either on the Contract Page or when filtering on the Contract List.
2. Custom Contract Types offers you the possibility to add your own
Click " + New Custom Category," type the custom "Name" in the field, click on the drop-down to select the "Required Forms," and don't forget to press "Create."
Contract Type on the Contracts List & Contracts Page
1. Contracts Lists
- Like any of our other standard contract fields, you can filter, search, save views, and perform other actions utilizing this new contract type.
- Like any of our other standard contract fields, you can filter, search, save views, and perform other actions utilizing this new contract type.
2. Contract Page
- When categorization is enabled, you will see the contract type dropdown in the top left of the contract page.
- You can manually apply a type via this dropdown, or if your organization has AI, you can let the AI run and extract the type for you. You can confirm this type via the [AI]ssistant like the other AI fields today.
- Once a type is applied, if required forms are set within settings, the required forms will be enabled for that contract.
- When categorization is enabled, you will see the contract type dropdown in the top left of the contract page.
With this new feature, we hope we made your work life a little easier.
- Q: Should I rename existing contract types or create custom types?
A: The best approach depends on how closely your desired naming convention matches ContractSafe's general types:
Minor Differences: If your preferred type name is similar to an existing one, rename the general type. This helps the AI accurately assign types to your contracts.
Major Differences: If your type significantly differs from existing types, create a custom type for better organization.
If you're unsure about the best option, contact your customer success manager or for guidance.
- Q: Why can't I save my naming convention changes?
A: This issue typically occurs if you're attempting to:
- Rename a type to one of the 14 standard types provided by ContractSafe.
- Create a custom type name that duplicates an existing type name (either standard or custom).
Please make sure your chosen names are unique to avoid conflicts.
- Q: Why isn't AI automatically extracting contract types?
A: There are a couple of possible reasons:
Feature Not Enabled: Make sure the AI feature is turned on. Go to "Settings" -> "AI and Workflows" and toggle the "[AI]ssistant" feature.
Subscription Limitation: If the feature is greyed out, your current subscription plan may not include AI functionality. If you would like to upgrade, please get in touch with your customer success manager or email us at
- Q: Can I use multiple contract types and forms at once?
A: Yes! You can create various types and forms to suit your organization's workflow. This might depend on different factors like the contract's stage, the department involved, or the specific contractor. Since we like to keep things easy, any field you complete in one form will automatically populate the same field across all other relevant type forms.
- Q: How do I update my existing contracts with a contract type?
A: You can update the contract type individually, but we suggest doing bulk updates via the contract list. Simply filter or search within your contracts, select the ones you’d like to update in bulk and apply a contract type. As an example, you may use the “NDA” folder. You could filter to this folder, select all contracts, and bulk edit to apply the “confidentiality agreement” contract type to these NDAs.
Here’s an article about How Bulk Edits Work
- Q: I have an existing custom field for contract type. What should I do?
A: Using the advanced search functionality, search for each of your custom contract types by name. With this filtered list, you can do the same bulk edit operation as mentioned in question 5 above to update your custom type to the new standard type field.
If your custom field has exactly the same name as this new field ("contract type") we would suggest renaming your custom field before turning on the categorization feature to avoid confusion.
Please reach out to for any questions.