Focus Less On Contract Management And More On Your Mission With ContractSafe’s Powerful, Easy-To-Use Contract Management Platform.

With a compliant, centralized repository and a robust suite of contract lifecycle tools, non-profit
institutions can improve contract management, maintain compliance, and stay ahead of key
milestones and deliverables - which frees up more time to focus on the things that make a

ContractSafe's non-profit contract management software helps both NGOs and NPOs to:

  • Streamline supplier agreements, GSA contracts, and grants across multiple teams and departments.
  • Accelerate the contract lifecycle and increase organization-wide collaboration and productivity.
  • Create contract transparency while maintaining compliance with federal regulations and constituent requirements.
  • Never miss an expiring contract or milestone - customizable alerts and reminders help teams and departments plan ahead.

We know NPOs and NGOs are constantly operating with constrained resources, so finding opportunities to increase productivity and do more with less is a basic part of day-to-day operations. Because your organization is managing a high volume of suppliers, partners, and constituents, having the ability to efficiently create, negotiate, and execute agreements is the key to long term growth.  However, slow and disorganized contract management is a pain point for many non-profit entities as it not only introduces unnecessary risk, but can even violate non-profit regulations.

Non-profit institutions turn to ContractSafe's contract management software to help execute contracts faster, while keeping them organized and accessible. ContractSafe is equipped with productive tools that enable cross-team collaboration and make it easier to manage and execute documents across your organization. With custom reports and quick search capabilities, non-profit leaders can even keep tabs on vendors and suppliers or quickly check contract terms.

Simplifying The Non-Profit Contract Lifecycle

Non-profits that use ContractSafe's contract management platform to store contracts will benefit from the ability to locate documents up to six times faster while simultaneously protecting documents from unauthorized internal and external access.

The Smartest Search & Reporting Tools

Your contract software is the central storage location for all legal documents across your non-profit, so effective search capabilities are essential so leaders, legal, finance, procurement teams, and contract managers can quickly gain insights into important terms and contractual obligations.

  • Advanced OCR technology makes it easy to search scanned documents for supplier names, deliverables, expiration dates, and more.
  • Easily track suppliers, contractors, and partnerships along with the associated service dates and deliverables.
  • Label groups of documents and create a systematic approach to contract management across your non-profit entity.
  • Create customizable, role-based dashboards to help non-profit leaders, legal teams, and procurement teams get the specific contract insights they need.

A Secure Central Contract Repository

Safely store your non-profit's documents in a secure, cloud-based repository hosted on Amazon Web Services. Leverage role-based permissions to segment document access by role, team, or department and protect confidential information.

  • Standardize the entire contract management lifecycle across teams and departments.
  • Configure role-based permissions to give non-profit leaders a holistic view of an organization’s contracts while ensuring individual employees or teams can only see what you want them to see.
  • Backup contracts at any time to ensure your most critical documents are never lost.
  • Protect contracts from hackers or cybersecurity vulnerabilities with document encryption and state- of- the-art intrusion detection systems.

Set Alert Settings To Help Teams Plan Ahead

Because non-profits manage a high volume of vendors, contractors, and partnerships, tracking servicing dates and contractual obligations can be a significant challenge. From software pricing periods to event deliverables, ContractSafe’s alerts and reminders help your team plan for all business-critical dates.

  • Ensure procurement, contract managers, and finance stay ahead of schedule by assigning alerts and reminders ahead of important contract or service dates.
  • Increase procurement productivity by configuring reminders for contract renewals, deliverables, and payment dates.
  • Calendar views give your organization’s leaders a holistic view of the contracts, suppliers, and dates.

Sharing & Role Permissions

Not all employees need the same level of contract access. While finance may need access to supplier agreements, your program managers may only need access to documents pertaining to a specific event. By assigning user roles and permissions, you can manage risk and ensure contracts don’t fall into the wrong hands.

  • Manage roles and access by individual, team, or department; easily assign permissions with one simple click.
  • Customize permissions to restrict access to confidential documents and information.
  • Assign editing permission to specific individuals, while keeingp all teams in the loop with enterprise-wide access.

Seamless Integrations

Contract management is only one component of your non-profit’s procurement process, which is why we make it easy for ContractSafe to plug into other software for non-profits.

  • Sign documents faster and import executed documents with two-way DocuSign integration. 
  • Increase productivity and reduce administrative overhead with Okta/SAML 2.0 for single sign-on authentication.
  • Seamlessly move contracts between ContractSafe and your CRM or CMS.

Schedule a personalized demo of our award-winning contract management solution to see how ContractSafe can make life easier for your entire team.


Unlimited Support

When implementing new software, employee adoption is critical to achieving a return on your investment. ContractSafe’s best-in-class customer support is with you every step of the way - from initial implementation to long-term troubleshooting, we’re here to make sure your team is successful.

  • Unlimited phone, email, or online chat support - we’re here when you need us.
  • Receive platform implementation support, customized training sessions, and general troubleshooting at no additional cost.
  • Leverage our support staff to help import existing contracts or to integrate ContractSafe with other tools or software for non-profits.

Streamline contracts, ensure transparency, and stay ahead of key contract dates so you can free-up time to focus on the work that matters.

Non-profit regulations require NGOs and the public sector to adhere to strict governance and policies around third party contracts. As a result, qualified non-profits must have a well-organized, systematic approach to contract review and storage. While manual processes, spreadsheets, and shared drives may temporarily work for small NPO’s, these processes do not scale and create a significant amount of operational risk.

Non-profit organizations need a contract management solution that provides visibility and security while also enabling a more collaborative, productive contract lifecycle. Schedule a free demo of ContractSafe today, so your organization can stop worrying about contracts and get back to furthering your cause.

[More Information: 4 Things to Consider When Implementing Contract Management Software

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